Where do I search for a translation?

You can search:

  • In either Private area or Public area or both at the same time
  • In various language combinations
  • Terms in a subject-specific part of the term base at two levels or the entire term base
  • Segments in a subject-specific part of the data base at two levels

What is a search filter?

What is a search filter?

A search filter is a combination of criteria you choose for your search. Some criteria are "either/or", while others are "both/and".
The following options are available in the term base:

1. Private area and/or Public area
2. Subject-specific area or the entire term base
3. Language combination
4. Match type
  · Exact match
  · Begins with
  · Ends with
  · Contains
  · Fuzzy match
A search for terms gives a list of search results in the source language. Click one of the source terms in the term list in the Matching terms pane to view the target term(s), including descriptive field information, in the Term pane.
The following options are available in the translation memory:

1. Private area and/or Public area
2. Language combination
3. Subject-specific area
4. Match percentage


The search filter defines the part of the translation memory where the system searches for previously translated sentences.

Where do I set the search filter?

When you are working in the term base, the search filter is integrated at the top of the page.

When you are working in the translation memory, the search filter is integrated in the toolbar in the dialog box at the bottom of the page.


What is a match?

What is a match?

There are various match levels in a search process:

  • Exact match means that a term or a segment in the system is completely identical to the search text
  • Fuzzy match means that the term base contains a translation of a term or segment that is similar to the search text. It is therefore up to you whether you wish to use the match or just a part of it

Can I increase the speed of the search process?

The speed of the search process depends solely on the speed of your computer and your Internet connection.

Searching the term base is generally faster than searching the translation memory. Likewise, an exact search is generally faster than a fuzzy search or a criteria search ("begins with", "ends with" or "contains").

How is the price of a given search calculated?

All payments are based on the word count of the source text, and payment is only made for foreign-language words and if the match percentage is 50 or higher. 

The price per word is EUR 0.034. A 75 % match, for example, is paid with 75 % * EUR 0.034 = EUR 0.026 per word in the match in question.

To go directly to our price list, click here

What if I do not use Microsoft Office?

If Microsoft Office and the  Office translation add-in are not installed on your computer, you can only search the term base via the Internet.

Can I search in both Private area and Public area simultaneously?

Yes. When setting the search filter, you can select either or both.

Do other groups have access to my Private area?

It is not possible for users that are not part of your group to search your Private area.

An external user will only have access to search your Private area if the Group Administrator  allows the user to become part of the group.

Can I search for a translation of a single word in a segment?

WebWordSystem allows you to search the term base for a single word in a sentence. Highlight the word and click "Translate term". If the word exists in the term base, it will be highlighted in the text.

Use "Maintenance" to search for a word, part of a sentence or an entire sentence. WebWordSystem will retrieve all the sentences that contain the entered term.


Can I search for a term across several subject-specific term bases?

You can search for a term in a subject-specific part of the term base

across sub-groups, or you can search the entire term base.


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